Hekat (volume) — The hekat or heqat (transcribed HqA.t ) was an ancient Egyptian volume unit, used to measure grain, bread, and beer. Until the New Kingdom the hekat was one tenth of a khar, later one sixteenth; while the New Kingdom oipe (transcribed ip.t )… … Wikipedia
Egyptian fraction — An Egyptian fraction is the sum of distinct unit fractions, such as frac{1}{2}+ frac{1}{3}+ frac{1}{16}. That is, each fraction in the expression has a numerator equal to 1 and a denominator that is a positive integer, and all the denominators… … Wikipedia
Greedy algorithm for Egyptian fractions — In mathematics, an Egyptian fraction is a representation of an irreducible fraction as a sum of unit fractions, as e.g. 5/6 = 1/2 + 1/3. As the name indicates, these representations have been used as long ago as ancient Egypt, but the first… … Wikipedia
Feynman diagram — The Wick s expansion of the integrand gives (among others) the following termNarpsi(x)gamma^mupsi(x)arpsi(x )gamma^ upsi(x )underline{A mu(x)A u(x )};,whereunderline{A mu(x)A u(x )}=int{d^4pover(2pi)^4}{ig {mu u}over k^2+i0}e^{ k(x x )}is the… … Wikipedia
Jim Baen's Universe — Infobox Website name = Jim Baen s Universe caption = The greatest online SF F magazine in the world url = http://www.baens universe.com/ commercial = Yes type = Periodical language = English registration = owner = Baen Books author = Eric Flint,… … Wikipedia
Impact factor — The impact factor, often abbreviated IF, is a measure of the citations to science and social science journals. It is frequently used as a proxy for the importance of a journal to its field.OverviewThe Impact factor was devised by Eugene Garfield … Wikipedia
rate — 1. A record of the measurement of an event or process in terms of its relation to some fixed standard; measurement is expressed as the ratio of one quantity to another ( e.g., velocity, distance per unit … Medical dictionary
Continued fraction — Finite continued fraction, where a0 is an integer, any other ai are positive integers, and n is a non negative integer. In mathematics, a continued fraction is an expression obtained through an iterative process of representing a number as the… … Wikipedia
Numerical sign problem — The numerical sign problem refers to the difficulty of numerically evaluating the integral of a highly oscillatory function of a large number of variables. Numerical methods fail because of the near cancellation of the positive and negative… … Wikipedia
Moving average — For other uses, see Moving average (disambiguation). In statistics, a moving average, also called rolling average, rolling mean or running average, is a type of finite impulse response filter used to analyze a set of data points by creating a… … Wikipedia
mathematics, East Asian — Introduction the discipline of mathematics as it developed in China and Japan. When speaking of mathematics in East Asia, it is necessary to take into account China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam as a whole. At a very early time in their… … Universalium